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Huna Principle No.5

The world is what you think it is

We at                    believe in you. We believe that everyone is unique and compellingly capable. 


At HunaX, we take the learnings from Positive Psychology alongside 25 years working with executives and teams and help you construct a new way forward by developing the positive side of your nature and of your business. By understanding strengths and natural talents, alongside encouragement and trust, people can do just about anything.


HunaX will help you define what you can do and how your teams can excel, and not focus on what you can't do. 


Our focus is mostly work-related: your next career move, transition or promotion, team development and company achievement. That said, we believe anyone can use a bit more insight.

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Hands down, you are your best advocate! No matter if you're with your friends, at school or work, in a project group, or with your teacher or boss, there are things that you do that come naturally to you. By understanding your core strengths, as well as the things that don't come naturally to you, we can shape the future that most inspires you. 


  • INSIGHT Get to know yourself and be able to more clearly define what you want to do. Find a new way to define what comes naturally to you and leverage them to on projects, teams, your next opportunity or promotion. We can coach you to speak clearly about who you are, how you work best, how to leverage your natural talents and what truly motivates you. 

  • TRANSITIONS We provide transition support for anyone who wants to be able to clearly articulate and project their strengths and how to best leverage what they have to offer. Great for veterans, parents and individuals returning to work, or anyone looking for their next career move or promotion.

  • RESUMES Through our assessments you will obtain language to support your best positioning.

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It's amazing that we hire teams from all different walks of life and expect them to get along. Sure they may have the skill necessary to do the job, but do they have the awareness of their strengths and truly understand the way each individual works best? We've helped teams really get to understand each other and how to leverage one another's talents to benefit the team and the company. It's magic you'll want to bring to your company.


  • PERFORMANCE Provide clear, concise and meaningful development of individuals. Enhance performance conversations and feedback.

  • INTEGRATION Integrate individuals and managers into new roles.

  • TEAMS Focus on teams and what is required to deliver work by identifying team strengths and areas to look out for. Strengthen team and individual relationships.

  • EXIT Provide employees support on the next step of their career journey by giving them transitional support.

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You know the quote "Old ways won't open new doors." At HunaX, we truly open doors. Maybe you have a leader who's struggling with a team or executives could stand to work more effectively together, we can help. With the Facet5, we can even over lay individual personalities to understand how decision-making works...or doesn't. Powerful and insightful, we can help open doors for you to achieve more than you ever thought possible.


  • LEADERSHIP COACHING Provide rich insights into personal style and how to lead individuals and teams.  

  • TALENT Identify emerging talent, allowing for focused development planning in current and future roles. 

  • CULTURE Enable organizations to define and describe culture in a common language. 

  • CHANGE Provide rich information on individuals likely to respond to change, stress and pressure. Identify who will lead change, who might see the problems and who may need support.  

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